


全球關(guān)注的“人機圍棋大戰(zhàn)”昨天落下帷幕。機器狗4:1贏了韓國高手李世石。這個過程中,有一個話題大家也很關(guān)注:孩子從小學圍棋似乎是一件很酷的事情?答案是肯定的。今天分享一位小名蹦蹦的12歲女孩“小升初”時親手寫的一份個人陳述(Personal Statement),個人陳述里她就只寫了一件事:從小學棋帶給我的改變。

昨天我們采訪了蹦蹦媽,她介紹說,新加坡小升初有“直接收生計劃”(Direct School Admission),通俗來講就是對特長生大開綠燈。學生提供一般能力測試(General Ability Test)的分數(shù)一份個人陳述(Personal Statement),即可申請。女兒蹦蹦的數(shù)學成績優(yōu)異,所以關(guān)鍵就看這份個人陳述了。

這和海外大學申請原則類似,一份真實的、有故事的、能體現(xiàn)綜合能力的個人陳述是“軟實力”的證明。率性的12歲的蹦蹦不讓父母幫她做主,徑自在個人個人陳述中講了自己從小學圍棋的故事。未料到這使她獲得了新加坡兩所頂尖女?!涎笈泻蚏affles Girl Secondary School的面試資格,她最后選擇了后者。



I first started playing Weiqi when I was 5 years old. Since then, I have spent at least an hour each day doing Weiqi ‘sums’ to improve my skills. To further develop my abilities in the game, I also participated in a lot of Weiqi tournaments. I believe that ‘you reap what you sow’, and all my time and efforts have delivered results. I have received many awards, most of them in champion and runner-up positions, and even represented Singapore in many international competitions, with the most significant one being First World Mind Sport Gamein Beijing, 2008.



The most memorable Weiqi game I had was during a selection game. I was losing badly and was on the verge of giving up. After thinking intensely for about 10 minutes, I suddenly noticed a flaw in my opponent’s formation of seeds. I captured some of his seeds and actually won that game. I was greatly encouraged from then on in facing challenges and difficulties. Nothing is for certain until the end, so even if we are losing, we should keep fighting until the end. Similarly, if we are winning a game, we should not become complacent as this could lead to our ‘downfall’.



Weiqi is a unique form of chess with two colours of seeds – black and white. It also has more tactical possibilities than any other types of chess games. In theory,there are more than 2361?possible moves.This helps me to develop my mental strength and ability as I have to try to think ahead to plan the best possible moves. Due to the training I have received in Weiqi, I automatically plan ahead before doing anything, which in turn allows me to evaluate the situation and make the best possible decision.



Weiqi has also taught me how to cope with pressure and how to deal with loss. As a child who plays Weiqi regularly, I have gone through failures and faced more difficult situations than most other children. Instead of feeling dejected, I have been motivated to work harder. We should always try our best, but in the event of a loss, we must accept it by not letting it affect our emotions and move on. Whenever I do not perform well for anything, I will reflect upon myself and seek ways to improve myself and take it as a reminder to work harder. Now, any failure will not emotionally destroy me.



I also learnt other values from Weiqi. Unlike other forms of chess, every Weiqi seed is equal but its value will change over the course of the game. Everyone has an equal chance to succeed, but whether they do depend on their efforts and attitude. From this, I learnt that if I work hard enough, anything is possible – ‘the sky is the only limit’.



Weiqi has been with me for many years and has shaped me into who I am today. Without it,I would not be as resilient or as hardworking today.



